

transnational call here.

Call for Transnational Research Project Proposals

The Feminist Centre for Racial Justice is looking to support five, eighteenmonth transnational research projects. These five projects will explore and resist intersectional problematics of race in relation to one of the call’s five core themes. The aim of this collaboration is to develop transnational relationships and shared knowledge, leading to the expansion of feminist, decolonial, and Indigenous strategies supporting self-determination and liberation.

We are interested in pilot studies, exploratory research, and full projects from teams that bring together scholars and activists from at least two of these regions: Africa, Latin America, Middle East, and the Caribbean. There is no expectation that the projects proposed will address several or all the issues under each theme below. The research question or problem should be defined clearly and demonstrate strong relevance to the theme. Transdisciplinary approaches and creative methodologies are welcome. The project should contribute to increasing our understandings and building new imaginaries around the intersections of racial and gender justice in relation to the theme.
